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Ticket Ice              

"Ticket Ice" is  ice time available to MSC skaters outside our regular session schedule. Skaters who would like additional practice time need to book this time in advance with their private coach. Ticket ice times are subject to cancellation from time to time, so check with your coach before arriving – he/she can confirm whether the ice is still available. All skaters must ensure, before skating, that their coach will be in attendance throughout the time they are on the ice.


Ticket ice MUST be booked in advance through the office, and you must have a physical paper ticket before you step on the ice.

Tickets may also be purchased online:

Single session = $15
Book of 5 sessions = $60

NON-MSC SKATERS: (guest skaters; must be current Skate Canada members)
Single session = $25

Ticket Ice Schedule

Check with your coach as the schedule is subject to change. During our regular season, ticket ice times are:

Tuesday 3:00-4:00pm

Wednesday 3:00-4:00pm

NO TICKET ICE on Tues March 11th and Wed March 12th (arena not available)


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